There are a lot of things I'm afraid of; spiders, snakes, COCKROACHES! but I don't believe in passing on my irrational fears to my kids so I usually put on a brave act in front of them. I'm the queen of spider catching without flinching. I've even promised my daughter she can have a pet snake when she's ten (she loves the slimy things). Today however, my bravery failed me, and it was when confronted with
this thing.

The picture is from, I was too freaked out to think of snapping a picture. I eventually succeeded in vacuuming the creature up but it put up a really good fight. I admit it, I screamed like a banshee a couple of times. Now Fiona is tiptoeing through the house, afraid of encountering one. Way to go mom.
I have a slighly different strategy when it comes to bugs. If there are flies in the house, I get a paper towel, grab them with it without hurting them, then go outside, and let them go. It's not their fault that they wound up in my house and coming into it shouldn't be a death sentence for them.
Much love and light to you!
We have them, and I HATE them. They freak me the hell out. I make Harry kill them. We've had ones 5 inches long and 3 inches wide.
Even our cat is afraid of them, and she loves to play with insects.
They usually come out in the dark and usually near water (sinks, bathtubs, toilets - AHHHHH!), so they're always a nice surprise when you get up at 3 am for a pee.
I think I've now caused everyone to have nightmares for a week.
Thanks Alicia, now I won't be able to go to the bathroom at night ever again!
I see these in our basement on occasion and they normally don't freak me out that bad but this one ran across my kitchen counter and took a nose dive off, straight onto the floor next to my feet. It was clearly suicidal, so I'm not too worried about my karma.
OMG, I would be freaking right along with you. That thing is UGLY !!!! I walked into a huge spider web out by the pool the other day and could hardly breath for about 15 minutes. ICKY ICKY ICKY
I hate hate hate bugs. We have these huuuuge spiders (bigger than a quarter), and I have to be the "brave" one who kills them and scoops them into the trash can or the toilet (whatever is closer) all the while keeping the kids away and maintaining a face of pure calmness and determination. Ha!
Ew. Ew, Ew, Ew. I'm afraid of all things creepy crawly. And that is a nasty creepy crawly!
Holy crap. That thing has like a thousand legs. Regular cockroaches made me start flapping my arms and yelling, "eww ewww eww eww!!" so I think if I saw one of those I'd just pass out.
EEEEEEWWWWW, Wow - you are one brave Mama. This one is kinda a friend tho, right? It kills spiders and cockroaches - that's pretty cool. LOL
wow. that would freak me out too. and i share ,my hobby room with many sapiders of all sizes (i try to ignore them but they do freak me out)
but THAT thing looks really nasty. so glad im not you right
Holy crap! I have never seen those before! Icky! Icky! My bravery would have failed me too!
that things gives me the heebie jeebies big time. go mama for killing it!!! EWWWW!
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