Thursday, July 17, 2008

Photo Challange: "A Day in the Life" [Photo Heavy]

Last Friday Cathy issued a challenge to document a day of our life in photos. I actually took all these pictures on Monday, but this is the first time I've had to put this entry together, so sorry I'm so late!

Fiona usually gets me up while Saskia is still sleeping. She runs straight for the table, she's my little eating machine. Here's breakfast for her:

Followed by breakfast for mommy. Ummmm cappuccino.

Fiona goes down to the family room to play, accompanied by Noggin while mommy starts doing homework

Eventually Saskia gets up and Fiona joins her sister for her traditional "second breakfast" which is a regular meal in her mind

Then the girls head back to the family room for TV and play. Saskia gets on her computer to play with her "Barbie Fashion Designer" game. Have I mentioned before that her dream is to be a fashion designer?

After I've studied for a couple of hours I take some time to tackle a little housework. The kitchen is in desperate need of some attention

Around 1pm it's lunch time. Yes, we are still in pajamas

At this point I'm feeling guilty for not having spent any time with the kids yet, and for the fact that they've been hanging with the electronic babysitters all day, so I force them to come outside and do some gardening with me

After gardening I did a little more homework, then it's off to work for me.

When I get home at 10:30pm, this is what I find. I miss my girls.


Homeslice said...

okay first i LOVE special K chocolatey delight. it's delish!!! i also loved the pictures, especially the one of you at work - you look THRILLED to be there. your house is cool too - i loved arched doorways. great photos!

Alicia said...

In most pictures I've seen of you, none of them have cried out LIBRARIAN! like this one at work. It kind of cracks me up.

Annita said...

The work picture is pretty funny in its realism. I liked this virtual peek into your life.

Jess said...

I agree with Alicia, none of the pictures I have seen of you have ever said librarian to me until this one of you at work! You are a hottie librarian though!

Anonymous said...

I too, love the glimpse into your daily routine. I love the gardening shots and YUM for anything that involves chocolate! Loved it!

leaner said...

That is great. My youngest gets up, and is starving. She has "breskass" (cereal) and then has a second breakfast an hour later when big sister gets up.
Love the pics.

jae said...

Hottie librarian! That's the funniest picture ever.

Your girls are adorable!

Anonymous said...

Your gardening pictures look like so much fun (and I'm not even into gardening). Your girls so adorable -- especially that last shot. How cute that their beds are pushed up against each others.

BTW, Noah is occasionally butt nekkid the entire day -- 1pm and still in jammies is not a bad thing at all.

Lweeks said...

Awe! I absolutely loved this photo journal. Your girls are angels so are you. Yum coffee photo and loved the hot librarian. It's adorable that the girls sleep next to each other like that.