Friday, August 29, 2008

Saskia's birthday party

Yes, I'm a lame mom. My daughter's birthday was almost 2 whole weeks ago and I am just getting around to blogging about it. I have a good excuse, as I just started a new job, but I still think I'd better get these thoughts down before they leave my flighty mind.

Unfortunately this post will have to consist mostly of text, as I'm not willing to publish pictures of other people's kids on my blog without their permission. Especially in light of what happened to my friend Cristina with some perv viewing her flicker photos I'm leary of posting any pics at all, but I figure pictures of a kid on a bike should be pretty safe. Then again....

Saskia's birthday fell on a Saturday this year, which was nice. She woke us up around 6:30 am (this is the girl who I normally have to force out of bed at 11:00 in the summer) to open her presents. Coming downstairs she found a pile from us, Grandma & Grandpa and Great-Grandma. The bear, named Chloe, was a big hit, thanks Great-Grandma!

Barbie Mariposa was something she's been wanting for a long time; she was thrilled to finally get it.

But the best present was her bike. Her last bike was for 2-4 year olds, and at 7 that just wasn't cutting it anymore. I think she likes it, despite the haughty, "what do YOU want?" look on her face.

We spent the day shopping, baking, cleaning and decorating. The party was a "Girl's Night" theme. The girls came in their p.j.'s and had pizza to start. Next we played a "Getting to Know You" game, where the girls filled out these questionnaires about themselves, then they were passed in a circle and read out loud so that everyone could guess who the cards belonged to. The girls had fun, although the game was a bit tough for 7 year olds to keep their patience through.

That game was followed by "Hot Potato". Since it was a night theme as each girl got "out" of the game she got to pick a stuffed animal to take home (thank you Party Store for going out of business and putting your Beanie Babies on clearance!)

All this took considerably less time than I thought it would, so we were left with about 45 minutes to kill. BIG mistake. 45 minutes of free time plus 9 6-7 year olds (and 1 4 year old) equals insanity. The girls screamed. And ran around. And screamed. And jumped on things. And screamed. And screamed. Think "Hannah Montana" meets "Animal House". Oh yeah, fun times.

Wrapping it up... we eventually brought out cake and ice cream, Saskia opened her presents (she got killer loot, thanks everyone, you rock!) and then they played "Musical Chairs" (and screamed) until their parents got there. Her favorite present was the "Project Runway" designer paper dolls. She wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up and is already busy creating her own designs. Tim, Heidi, what do you think?

All in all it was a fantastically fun time, but so very different from her six year old party which was very princess-y and sweet. It is yet another reminder, among many, that my little girl is not little anymore. She is growing in so many wonderful ways and becoming so wise, yet so tween-difficult at the same time. Sigh, I miss my baby, but I love my young lady. Happy birthday, dear Saskia, I love you.


Destiny said...

That sounds like an awesome party. I am sure everyone had a good time. Yesour little ones are growing up pretty fast. While it is sad to see the sweet princess era end it is kind of fun to see the next one begin. They are so darn amusing trying to act so grown up lol

Congrats on the new job. Hope you enjoy it.

Lweeks said...

Love it - she looks so much like you! Wants to be a designer huh? Good for her. HAPPY 7th SASKIA! 9 girls screaming??? Yikes. Love the getting to know you game.
How's the job? What's the job?? I missed all that completely. Miss you :(

jae said...

Happy birthday, Saskia! You are such a beautiful young lady. You have your mom to thank for that!

Homeslice said...

she looks so grown up! and what a great idea for a party (i might steal it, minus the 45 minutes of nothing to do and screaming).

Lisa said...

Awe, she's so grown up!
Congrats on your job as well!

Alicia said...

Happy 7th, Saskia! Sounds like a great party. They make a Project Runway designer paper dolls? How cool!

BTW, her haircut has grown in really cute. It looks like it won't need to be cut too often, which is always good.